Coordinated Response
Services and tools for incident response management

Cyber Effectiveness – Board Engagement and an Audit Plan

This may be a litmus test.

In an article on Banking Exchange, Cybersecurity top of mind for auditors, a survey with over 800 participants showed a strong correlation between 2 factors — board engagement and a good audit plan – and an effective cybersecurity program.

The article shared the results of a survey by Protiviti. The survey presented the following as the top risks identified by the respondents:

  • Data security / company information,
  • Brand / reputational damage,
  • Regulatory and compliance violations tied with
  • Data leakage, and
  • Viruses and malware.


Organizations reporting higher confidence in the cybersecurity program also reported active board engagement and an effective audit programGovernance.

Coordinated Response

Most audit programs include a review of the incident response plan and a review/audit of incidents recorded in the past year. To help with a successful audit, let us help you with a succesful response plan review.