Respond is 1 of the 4 Risk Management Processes identified in the Guide. Respond includes pre-emptive security controls to mitigate risk, but it also includes Incident Response Planning, Management, and Execution. Respond receives input from and provides input to the other 3 processes: Frame, Assess. and Monitor.
The Assess process has a number of key dependencies on the approach to incident response. I will look at these in my next post.
Coordinated Response can work with you to align your response plan with your Risk Assessment. Let us help you with a response plan review that considers your information security risk assessment.
For more information on how we see risk assessment linked with incident response refer to an earlier highlight:
NOTE: The graphic above is from NIST SP 800-39 Managing Information Security Risk page 32. It is similar to the graphic in SP 800-30 Rev 1 on page 4, but in SP 800-39 the graphic provides more information. Specifically the 3 organizational tiers are identified.
For access to NIST Special Publications:, SP 800-30 Rev 1, “Guide for Conducting Risk Assessments,” Sep. 2012.
The Verizon 2013 Data Breach Investigations Report provides insight into the role of insiders when data is breached.
Attackers targeted mostly finance, retail, and food service industries. Attackers profit from selling payment data or personal information. Almost all states and the District of Columbia have data breach laws governing this type of incident.
Here the attackers were seeking intellectual property – trade secrets, sensitive internal data, or systems information. The targeted industries were Manufacturing, Professional Services and Transportation. This raises issues of liability or economic loss.
There are two important statistics associated with cyber-espionage campaigns.
But, Verizon also states that External Actors are involved in over 90% of all data breaches. So, often an external actor recruits or coerces an insider.
Include insider threats and the potential impact of a data breach in your risk assessment.
When dealing with insider threats, consider the legal and human resource issues. Managing employees or contractors involves legal and regulatory issues. When dealing with a data breach, appropriate legal steps need to be followed.
Coordinated Response can help you develop a plan that anticipates the unique actions needed to address a data breach or an insider threat.
ISACA – The Information Systems Audit and Control Association – is a good resource for Incident Response Teams.
The ISACA Web Site offers a white paper: Incident Management and Response. This is a link to the base page with access to the white paper as well as a good set of additional resources for Incident Planning and Response.
The paper makes key points that help strengthen a response plan including:
Risk planning and response planning are linked. The risks and resulting impacts occur in the following areas:
This is an idea that Coordinated Response embraces in The Risk Management Framework specifically in the area of Impact Assessment and Incident Prioritization.
A robust incident response program reduces the risk of response – the probability of the response itself contributing inadvertently to risk exposure. The paper stresses the characteristics of an effective program:
For each impact area, it is important to provide metrics or descriptions that differentiate the impact level. Low, medium, and high are not enough as impact measures. Without metrics different people assign different meanings to the terms low, medium, and high.
It’s worth stressing that the impact component of the risk assessment can and should be used during the Incident Impact Assessment. The Response Team measures adverse impact to determine the needed response.
With this information the response team makes informed decisions on what resources to apply and what actions to take. Refer to our Response Management Framework for added insight.
Let us help you with a response plan review that considers your information security risk assessment.
Dell SecureWorks – 10 Tips to Help You Minimize the Duration and Impact of a Security Breach.
The message from Dell SecureWorks re-enforces the message from other security resources, but the presentation available on BitPipe provides additional insight. The tips start and end with Incident Response.
The plan includes roles, responsibilities, and stakeholders; addresses compliance with key industry mandates; and addresses key attacks that may disrupt business.
Identify gaps and take pro-active steps to enhance capabilities.
Incident Response should reflect information security risk assessments and this should be an extension of the corporate risk assessment.
The additional tips include cybersecurity best practices: (4) assess user privileges and accounts; (5) collect and analyze log data; (6) control traffic flows; (7) monitor network activity; (8) perform filtering for web and email; and (9) monitor DNS activity.
Attackers rarely limit their targets. This is an important step in raising preparedness.
Coordinated Response can help (1) develop an Incident Response Plan, (2) perform an incident response capabilities assessment, and (3) develop the risk assessment to support executive buy-in. Please contact us if we can be of help.
DREAD is a classification scheme for quantifying, comparing, and prioritizing the amount of risk represented by a specific threat. The DREAD scheme is described in Writing Secure Code, 2nd Edition, Howard, M. and LeBlanc, D. Microsoft Press 2003 and is used by Microsoft. DREAD is also promoted by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) on their site: Threat Risk Modeling.
In the diagram above and in the definitions below, the “D”s are reordered to group the elements of DREAD into logical categories: Probabilities and Impacts.
How easy is it to (1) Discover a vulnerability, (2) Exploit a vulnerability, and (3) Reproduce the Exploit? In DREAD these are rated on a scale of 0 (very hard or impossible) to 10 (easy with limited tools or skills).
Affected Users are measured from 0 (none) to 5 (Some users, but not all) to 10 (all users). Damage Potential is measured from 0 (no damage from exploit) to 5 (individual user data is compromised) or 10 (complete system or data destruction or compromise).
Add the 5 metrics and divide by 5. The result is a scale of 0 (not likely with limited impact) to 10 (highly likely with serious impact). Obviously, higher risk requires additional mitigation or avoidance might be required.
It’s worth stressing that the impact component of the risk assessment can and should be used during the Incident Impact Assessment. The Response Team needs to know how many users are affected, how much data or how many systems have been compromised, destroyed or disabled.
With this information the response team makes informed decisions on what resources to apply and what actions to take.
In an Incident postmortem review, the questions about the vulnerability should be reviewed: discoverability, reproducibility, and exploitability (again).
An effective risk assessment, regardless of the technique employed, identifies impact areas and potential impact levels. Then, given the probabilities an attack, risk strategies are defined: avoid the risk; mitigate the risk; share the risk; accept remaining risk.
Ultimately, unless you choose to avoid the risk, some residual risk is accepted. Then, when an unlikely incident occurs, an incident response plan is the last line of defense.
The key to an effective impact assessment rests with two key questions:
• What areas of your business are at risk when an incident occurs?
• How do you measure the impact?
These two questions are first asked during the risk assessment – the theoretical question: what if? When an incident occurs, they are asked again, only it is no longer in theory. What areas of your business are affected? To what level?
While most organizations evaluate the financial impact, the majority view reputational impact as the more important. Other areas to measure include operational impact and legal impact. If your organization is regulated, you might measure legal impact, policy impact, and regulatory impact as separate areas.
For each impact area, it is important to provide metrics or descriptions that differentiate the impact level. Low, medium, and high are not enough as impact measures. Without metrics different people assign different meanings to the terms low, medium, and high.
It’s worth stressing that the impact component of the risk assessment can and should be used during the Incident Impact Assessment. The Response Team measures adverse impact to determine the needed response.
With this information the response team makes informed decisions on what resources to apply and what actions to take. Refer to our Response Management Framework for added insight.
Let us help you with a response plan review that considers your information security risk assessment.